Module peprock.datetime
Date/time and related models, helpers and constants.
Complements the datetime package from the standard library (, adding datetime period models, timezone awareness helpers and timedelta constants.
Timezone awareness helpers …
Timedelta constants …
Datetime period model …
def ensure_aware(arg: datetime.datetime,
assumed_tz: datetime.tzinfo | None = None,
target_tz: datetime.tzinfo | None = None) ‑> datetime.datetime-
Ensure timezone awareness of arg.
def is_aware(arg: | datetime.time | datetime.datetime, /) ‑> bool
Determine if arg is timezone aware and return a bool.
def is_naive(arg: | datetime.time | datetime.datetime, /) ‑> bool
Determine if arg is timezone naive and return a bool.
class EnsureAwareError (arg: datetime.datetime,
assumed_tz: datetime.tzinfo | None = None,
target_tz: datetime.tzinfo | None = None)-
Unable to ensure awareness.
Initialize EnsureAwareError with arguments used in ensure_aware().
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class EnsureAwareError(ValueError): """Unable to ensure awareness.""" def __init__( self: EnsureAwareError, arg: datetime.datetime, /, *, assumed_tz: datetime.tzinfo | None = None, target_tz: datetime.tzinfo | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize EnsureAwareError with arguments used in ensure_aware().""" super().__init__( f"Unable to ensure awareness of '{arg!r}' using " f"'{assumed_tz=}' and '{target_tz=}'", )
- builtins.ValueError
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class Period (start: datetime.datetime, end: datetime.datetime)
Datetime period supporting arithmetic operations.
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@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Period(["Period | datetime.datetime"], ): """Datetime period supporting arithmetic operations.""" start: datetime.datetime end: datetime.datetime @functools.cached_property def duration(self: Self) -> datetime.timedelta: """Return duration of period.""" return self.end - self.start @functools.cached_property def midpoint(self: Self) -> datetime.datetime: """Return midpoint of period.""" return self.start + self.duration / 2 def __contains__(self: Self, item: object) -> bool: """Return True if item is in period.""" match item: case Period(): # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences return self.start <= item.start and item.end <= self.end case datetime.datetime(): # noinspection PyTypeChecker return self.start <= item <= self.end msg: str = f"expected peprock.datetime.Period | datetime.datetime, got {item!r}" raise TypeError(msg)
Class variables
var end : datetime.datetime
var start : datetime.datetime
Instance variables
var duration
Return duration of period.
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def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self if self.attrname is None: raise TypeError( "Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it.") try: cache = instance.__dict__ except AttributeError: # not all objects have __dict__ (e.g. class defines slots) msg = ( f"No '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} " f"instance to cache {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: val = self.func(instance) try: cache[self.attrname] = val except TypeError: msg = ( f"The '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} instance " f"does not support item assignment for caching {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None return val
var midpoint
Return midpoint of period.
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def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self if self.attrname is None: raise TypeError( "Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it.") try: cache = instance.__dict__ except AttributeError: # not all objects have __dict__ (e.g. class defines slots) msg = ( f"No '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} " f"instance to cache {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: val = self.func(instance) try: cache[self.attrname] = val except TypeError: msg = ( f"The '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} instance " f"does not support item assignment for caching {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None return val