Module peprock.models.metric_prefix
Metric prefix model.
>>> MetricPrefix.mega.convert(5, to=MetricPrefix.kilo)
>>> MetricPrefix.centi.convert(0.7, to=MetricPrefix.milli)
class MetricPrefix (*args, **kwds)
MetricPrefix IntEnum with symbol and conversion support.
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class MetricPrefix(enum.IntEnum): """MetricPrefix IntEnum with symbol and conversion support.""" quetta = 30 ronna = 27 yotta = 24 zetta = 21 exa = 18 peta = 15 tera = 12 giga = 9 mega = 6 kilo = 3 hecto = 2 deca = 1 NONE = 0 deci = -1 centi = -2 milli = -3 micro = -6 nano = -9 pico = -12 femto = -15 atto = -18 zepto = -21 yocto = -24 ronto = -27 quecto = -30 @classmethod def from_symbol(cls: type[MetricPrefix], symbol: str, /) -> MetricPrefix: """Return MetricPrefix by symbol.""" return cls._by_symbol()[symbol] @functools.cached_property def symbol(self: MetricPrefix) -> str: """Metric prefix symbol, e.g. G for giga.""" return self._symbols()[self] def __str__(self: MetricPrefix) -> str: """Return symbol.""" return self.symbol @typing.overload def to( self: MetricPrefix, __other: MetricPrefix | int, /, *, number_type: type[int] = int, ) -> int | float: ... @typing.overload def to( self: MetricPrefix, __other: MetricPrefix | int, /, *, number_type: type[ComplexT], ) -> ComplexT: ... def to( self: MetricPrefix, __other: MetricPrefix | int, /, *, number_type: type[int | ComplexT] = int, ) -> int | ComplexT: """Calculate conversion factor between self and other.""" return number_type(_BASE) ** (self - __other) @typing.overload def convert( self: MetricPrefix, __value: int, /, to: MetricPrefix = NONE, # type: ignore[assignment] ) -> int | float: ... @typing.overload def convert( self: MetricPrefix, __value: ComplexT, /, to: MetricPrefix = NONE, # type: ignore[assignment] ) -> ComplexT: ... def convert( self, __value, /, to=NONE, ): """Convert value from metric prefix self to to.""" if self is to: return __value return __value *, number_type=type(__value)) @staticmethod @functools.cache def _symbols() -> types.MappingProxyType[MetricPrefix, str]: return types.MappingProxyType( { MetricPrefix.quetta: "Q", MetricPrefix.ronna: "R", MetricPrefix.yotta: "Y", MetricPrefix.zetta: "Z", MetricPrefix.exa: "E", MetricPrefix.peta: "P", MetricPrefix.tera: "T", MetricPrefix.giga: "G", MetricPrefix.mega: "M", MetricPrefix.kilo: "k", MetricPrefix.hecto: "h", MetricPrefix.deca: "da", MetricPrefix.NONE: "", MetricPrefix.deci: "d", MetricPrefix.centi: "c", MetricPrefix.milli: "m", MetricPrefix.micro: "μ", MetricPrefix.nano: "n", MetricPrefix.pico: "p", MetricPrefix.femto: "f", MetricPrefix.atto: "a", MetricPrefix.zepto: "z", MetricPrefix.yocto: "y", MetricPrefix.ronto: "r", MetricPrefix.quecto: "q", }, ) @classmethod @functools.cache def _by_symbol( cls: type[MetricPrefix], ) -> types.MappingProxyType[str, MetricPrefix]: return types.MappingProxyType( {symbol: metric_prefix for metric_prefix, symbol in cls._symbols().items()}, )
- enum.IntEnum
- enum.ReprEnum
- enum.Enum
Class variables
var NONE
var atto
var centi
var deca
var deci
var exa
var femto
var giga
var hecto
var kilo
var mega
var micro
var milli
var nano
var peta
var pico
var quecto
var quetta
var ronna
var ronto
var tera
var yocto
var yotta
var zepto
var zetta
Static methods
def from_symbol(symbol: str, /) ‑> MetricPrefix
Return MetricPrefix by symbol.
Instance variables
var symbol
Metric prefix symbol, e.g. G for giga.
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def __get__(self, instance, owner=None): if instance is None: return self if self.attrname is None: raise TypeError( "Cannot use cached_property instance without calling __set_name__ on it.") try: cache = instance.__dict__ except AttributeError: # not all objects have __dict__ (e.g. class defines slots) msg = ( f"No '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} " f"instance to cache {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None val = cache.get(self.attrname, _NOT_FOUND) if val is _NOT_FOUND: val = self.func(instance) try: cache[self.attrname] = val except TypeError: msg = ( f"The '__dict__' attribute on {type(instance).__name__!r} instance " f"does not support item assignment for caching {self.attrname!r} property." ) raise TypeError(msg) from None return val
def convert(self, _MetricPrefix__value, /, to=0)
Convert value from metric prefix self to to.
def to(self: MetricPrefix,
_MetricPrefix__other: MetricPrefix | int,
number_type: type[int | ComplexT] =
Calculate conversion factor between self and other.